Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cats Canine Teeth Extraction

IT fair Trier etc.

joa, yesterday I was all day was at the IT exhibition in Trier and was able to bring some interested in more detail what we offer with the ORGACOMM GmbH solutions for Sun or our partner Mr. Knopp make new contacts and make him the day of something .
excited I was there from our stand. The other stands of the exhibitors were often not as well thought out and lit up like ours. Some people knew then did not know if it is a stand at all and who actually behind it.
An example was His idea of social media, but after some thought on one way or another plausible and understandable. Questionable whether the visitors were able to share the show his intention.

The drive to Trier as well as the return trip home were full of all right and I got through without much traffic. I then got my car for lack of parking spaces in front of the house (they were probably all at home yesterday and must have thought "because I park it in front of ma house") found in the garage. There is now nice and clean but also because it was now washed well to stay with the crappy weather. =) Nice

Days you all

in this sense.


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