Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Brussel Griffon Poodle Mix


Sometimes when you just at least think about it and yes, not even expect it to happen and it indeed in any way, reckons that it could happen at all ... as a piece brings a .
This past a collection, - this gentle and quite something - if not sudden, so utterly unexpected Collection, which projected an image in one's head movies. Images flit past before the inner eye, and sometimes, and stop more often and spend quite something - ...

A smile - a face - a gesture - ...

and then, quite suddenly, a feeling that it really does not like to have and that you will still accepted in a way, yes and tolerated. A whole life long. - Grief.

mourning for a man who got to know the one who never too soon was no longer there. Where you wanted to say as much, maybe some things never said. And now?

now? You go back and smiles. Smile because you know, for some reason, ... from somewhere ... without anyone had extra words again - we know that the people now doing better. You can watch the moments.
I - let go by the moments ... and know ...

... that nothing can destroy this beautiful past!

in thought.


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