Monday, January 31, 2011

What Wall Colour Goes With Red Floor


The guardian angel bear is about 9.5 cm
and I hope he will do a great job
and protect his new people well.

The bear has a magnet on the bottom get
should and actually in the car next to the dashboard
übenehmen his new duties.


Tops For Knee Lenth Skirts


READ: The new uneducated, several cookbooks, the Erzeihungsratgeben Mr hoe
HEARD: a wonderful reading "Housing quartet with flute and Udo Lindenberg in the church that already has what .
SEEN: the great movie "The sound of silence"
DRUNK: fresh mint tea, and liquid breakfast (several shakes and smoothies)
EAT: homemade sushi and cheese spaetzle ruckzuck from the new noodles Shaker (finally no mess everything in the kitchen)
COOKED: the favorite birthday cake for my now adult son, Coffeecake Mrs Barcomy, super delicious oatmeal cookies
COOKED: see eaten and the delicious and very quick White Schokiquarkmousse with Erdbeerminzsosse (see picture)
cry: also for the ones, but now everything is good.
Laughed: Body lotion on my husband (head cinema ;-))
annoyed: by ignorant posts, but we clarified
SEWN: the new budget, Gretchen, cups, notepads, to go
EMBROIDERED: the Knights of SUSAlabim

Pvc Pip Freezing Temp

bear clothes

My hundi from last week was indeed a switch.
And those beautiful things I've got now love already
by Niki Niki's knitting corner .
Ganz, many thanks for that. These are such beautiful things ... looking forward
Now I can dress my bears.
must provide only for the first time for young: o)

I wish you all a wonderful week.
Your Ines

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Digital Playground Movies To Watch Online

The "mind block"

I will really reminded daily that there is really no better way to a stable notebook than the ThinkPad models by IBM or by Lenovo now.
Today I will be so when rumschmökern the Lenovo ThinkPad Edge discovered. For those who know it does not exist yet here's a delicious photo. I myself am using my T41 as happy as ever with a notebook. I mean, clearly, the battery life suffers over the years, but IBM continues to develop right here every day and has built one of the best quality batteries. On stability and volume we have here let alone talk. In my opinion, "almost" indestructible and many models are in operation almost silent. I've met so far have not dissatisfied Thinkpad user. And If we are looking around at so many fair, where visitors come from almost every state (except the Apple) against Thinkpads. A compliment to IBM, which could not be better. The full range of ThinkPads Gibts HERE! \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Click!

The only problems come with most Thinkpads experience, along with a Windows installation. That should give Microsoft good to think after all these years. But that's another issue and should be treated soon times.

In this sense.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Burst Veins In Breast

Sometimes you need a little heat

A friend just sent me via Facebook
the song Somewhere over the Rainbow

However, I find the version by Israel Kamakawiwo 'ole the best.

So does the song, eyes and dream of sun, sea and beach
and your next dream vacation.
is just outside it freezing cold, brrr,
as needed If a little warmth and much much feeling.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend
with lots of sun in the heart
Your Ines

Friday, January 28, 2011

Red Mark Forehead Headache

Miss Anna-Lena prick.

as the new year, I've such a beautiful lucky pin cushion of the love Birgit get lock bears . Now I had to make a time. The result
is Anna-Lena Peaks, about 11 cm.
VIEWING up times Miss Peaks
not be shy, turn around times and show us your beautiful page
Now it'll make you time on your pin cushion comfortably
And one last time to smile at the camera
I wish you a wonderful weekend with lots of sunshine

Lic Money Plus Products

needs Sometimes good things while

Long, long did it take until this sweetness was ready. I believe in May of last year I've bought this pattern at bear love teddy bears .

Then I made him and left lying all over laaaaange * shame *. And then he was promised in exchange nochvielmehrschäm * * Sorrry, sorry love Niki and Natalie.
I just could not imagine that is what. Almost to the end, he saw not look like hundi.

But looks can sometimes make themselves a bit more color.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Death Watchchapter Reviews


my 1st Candy profit is there.
The love Iris and her Basti Bears now have over 50 readers and there was a surprise blog candy.
And I won.
The whole day I hibbel and today the package arrived.

Dear Iris I was thrilled. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
let you press all times doll.
Very very many wonderful things to unpack I was bearish. The
were not all on a photo.

And that was all in the pack

triangular bandages for my bears with very cute bear motifs
bear quilt fabrics
a super cute bear candle
Bears Napkins
sweet Stickers Me To You
bearish Tatü
cute little Bears cards
and very very many gummy bears, my son has used a bag of the same: 0)

I am so happy ....

Monday, January 17, 2011

How To Noc For Driving

Bella Ballerina

lose Comforter souls every time they have a comforting one hair. To avoid that no hair must meet to make the soul happy Comforter which is pretty simple. The loved ones of all the buttons to sew easily on her body. A few buttons are already sewn, so that could be lost roast them the same.

Yes, actually, is a Bella Ballerina Comforter soul. She prefers to be a ballerina and dance would Swan Lake. Thus, a prima donna right it would be something.

pattern is from Manuela Schulz .

Initially, I thought Bella is the grandpa of the Muppet Show, but then slowly it has developed.

I know not everyone will like, but I find it really funny and something different.
pictures are not so hot, sorry.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Where To Buy Quo Makeup

Ah, now a beautiful Sunday

I have my first Blog Award and received the same two dear times
by Birgit
and love of the Niki-niki
thank you so much both of you for the award
let you push it once doll.
I'm really happy about it.

the award I think is great because it has a specific purpose.
The meaning of the award make it even less well-known blogs
better known in Blogerwelt

And so it is written in the rules:

You are tagged and was like ? participate

* Create a Post, adding the Love Blog & the image posting instructions reinkopierst (= the text you are reading).

* shall also link you to the blog of the person who gave you the award you the link of your Award & leave some posts.

* Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite posts that you link to your post and also the owner of each per comment function will inform that they have been tagged and here also the link of the post give us is where the declaration is.

love blogger: The aim of this action is that we are known to bring good blogs to light, so I would ask you to post any blogs that already have been 3,000 readers, but talented beginners and people who blog already but just for a while, but still not known.

Phew now it will be difficult. Many of my favorite blogs have indeed already received this award.

would like to this blog I share the award
I would be glad if you accept the award.

The 2nd Reason why today is a beautiful day

is I have more than 20 regular readers.
So I give my third Award to all my loyal readers.

because without you it would not give this blog.

Thank you for your interest in my blog.

and 3rd Why is a beautiful Sunday today
I have my first Candy-profit
I'm really happy all the time and had a broad grin on his face.
I found on the iris and basti-baeren won the blog candy.
Now I am soooo excited about my win.
Well a few Days I have to tell me probably more patient.

I wish you all a great rest of Sunday and a good start to the week

Late Period Negative Test, But Cervix Really Soft

tree project

In Doll and Bear Cafe Forum we have this year launched a project. Everyone is looking at a tree and it will be observed throughout the year. Once a month, each a photo of his tree to the forum.

I find really exciting. We chose all different trees. And nature is developing a totally different from region to region.
Boah was difficult to pick out a tree. As you can see again how blind you sometimes go through nature. There are so many beautiful trees also interesting in this time of year.

I would like you to share my tree and I will show here every month.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Listerine Poisoning Swallow


... A patient called me recently and said she would have material for us so many women still can come to enjoy our pillows. Through all the snow we have but only once all the rides moved. Yesterday, Kevin and I then made their way to family heritage. There was absolutely unbelievable, family heritage has brought out all the shelves of their Raumaustattung and decoration materials company that we could take. Half full rolls of fabric, almost full pads and lots of large debris. A very big thank you again to dear family heritage. We wish you all Good and great strength for the difficult period that lies ahead of you. Each time the cushions are sewn from the fabric, we will think of you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hidden Antenna For Car

Having experienced again

have delivered heart pillow, was quite short notice Stopftag held in small groups. Keith, Sven, Kati, Babs and I have packed on Sunday about 60 pillows that are sewn stop watching TV now and in the evening after the.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Does Teething Gums Look Like

have re

changed the location of 60 heart pillows. On Friday, we took them to the St. Elizabeth Hospital.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kate Playground Shower Streaming

We are not idle ...

... even if it sometimes looks like here :-))

between days some hearts were ready. Part of it is gone.
This afternoon, Michelle and I spend a rainy Sunday together with a little cake and stuffing.

Last year there were still 2 way paper presents are not called by ending our ladies Römerapotheke Lechenich in the market place - where we could put a couple of months now heart pillow in the window. From there, even a pillow has found the way to Poland to an affected woman.

Then there was the health treatment in October, my aunt also a paper gift.

Thank you very much and look forward to their support. Thus, the next heart are secured again.

Incidentally, I have also one in bed - as a neck cushion for reading. Should you try
times :-))

nice Sunday!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Berger Paints Colour Princes

a great surprise

we received from dear Judith , they gave us this great award bestowed .

Here are the instructions:
You have been chosen and would like to participate?

* Create a post by you reinkopierst The Love Blog & the image posting instructions (= the text you are reading). * In addition, you should link to the blog of the person who gave you the award & they informed by the comment in her blog that you accept the award and the link you leave your posts as Award. * Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite blogs that you link in your post and also the owner will inform each by commenting that they were chosen, and here also the link angibst of the post, in which the declaration is.
Dear bloggers:

The goal of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light. So I would ask you not to blog posts, the already 3,000 readers have, but talented beginners and people who blog for a while though, but still not known.
this award, I'll give you more specifically to:

I hope you are very happy just like us and feel free to share the award.