Sunday, July 25, 2010

Windows Ce Usb Devices

times change .. . or as I see green

can so quickly turn the wheel of life more and do it on new opportunities. I grasped the opportunity by the forelock and the perceived possibility to start an education. Career and merit is one thing, but the main thing, at least here in Germany (and of course some other countries) is primarily a sound education in a large company opportunities for promotion. So I am now the sales manager of ORGACOMM GmbH switched to apprentice at Europcar. An important and especially right decision about my future career and my many ideas and creative thoughts that haunt even the most in my mind.

no impact from all others I can not change unfortunately. By a more stringent schedule and thus less time for other things, the "Couchnet" returned something. Not die, and certainly not stop. If someone has a problem, question or in any way in any other way, a request have to continue sending your emails. It may take 2 days longer until an answer, but I am not away and would continue to stand as a responder for your technical questions!

The world is green! Or so the saying Europcar will be published at the time on TV. I can not share the euphoria after my first week as an employee in this company only. Tenders and especially the selection of great cars is tremendous, and even the rush or the demand for a growing each day. I am looking for the next "green years" at EUROPCAR and am curious on what to expect.

In this sense.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dog Hotspot Or Ringworm

on the speed ...

The speed of my posts or the timeliness of my posts is increasing with time. The speed of my Internet, however, falls more private.

A common problem for many Internet users, the speed fluctuations noted every day and get angry about it. The speed of the Internet is always dependent on several factors, which I would like to briefly explain and demonstrate ways that sustainably increase speed or effective.

preliminary I think the best site to test your speed. ->
simply select the "recommended" (recommended) Server and you get usable values of its own line.

If the speed is much lower than the normal or the pay or with time very slowly, will help your oven.

. Simple solution - from the current router, wait a few minutes, power back inside.
As a result, at the IP router with a new distributor logs, and thus also a better Geschwindigktier relates.
. Should not affect the example, there is the allseitsbekannten FritzBox the possibility to stabilize the line and a slower, but to get stronger line. How this works, we know or they ask me via email =) ->
. The network card or network adapter and then the wireless card to deactivate and reactivate again can also help if the PC is already a while. Just turn off the control panel in the device manager the network adapter, right-click, just wait and reactivate. If your from accidentally uninstall the network adapter should, then it is enough just to start the computer, the network card will be recognized regularly.

For questions about or for other concerns, as usual, writes an email!
At this point, again a big thank you to all who have already sent me your questions, and help where I could. Keep it up!

in this sense.